Theurgics, Ltd. is dedicated to providing its customers with unique and fascinating objects through which one can glimpse the art, science, culture and everyday life of indigenous peoples around the globe. We believe the stories behind these ancient creations illustrate common threads that can transcend time, place and cultures. We wish to share these legacies of mankind’s past with people of today, their descendents and rightful heirs.

Theurgics represents a new concept in the fields of art, history and science. While we provide original artifacts and high quality recreations of antiquities from around the world, we are equally interested in uncovering the stories associated with the objects. An object’s real interest may lie in how it was made, the function it served and what it represented to its original owner and culture. The interest may also lie in the mystery and speculation that surrounds the object. To this end, each original piece is carefully researched and provided a story card which identifies the culture, location, time period and summarizes what is know, and unknown, about the object. Separate original articles are available on many objects that permit their story to be presented in more depth.

P.O. Box 51705, Albuquerque, NM 87181-1705
Phone: 1-877-922-3246 • Fax: (505) 248-0266